For over 30 years RothGreaves & Associates has provided a broad range of engineeredsolutions to medical device manufacturers, high precision industries, electronic manufacturers and pharmaceutical laboratories.
These instruments and manufacturing systems have a global presence with customers around the world as well as our domesticcustomers and their off-shore facilities.
We have the experience and knowledge tosuccessfully develop new and unique instruments, medical device manufacturing systems and specialty systems.
Our process for developing a custom application begins by drafting an Equipment Specification and finishes with the completion of a Factory Acceptance Test prior to shipment. Our General Specifications Document can assist you in developing a working machine specification.
Some of the projects that we’ve successfully completed include quality assurance instrumentation, life-cycle test instruments, miniature assembly, ultra-sonic welding, resistance welding, camera inspection, camera-driven motion, precision dispensing, custom ovens, fluidized bed applications and engineering work stations.
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