MD&M Medtech Expo Comes to Minneapolis
RothGreaves & Associates Joins the MD&M Minneapolis-Sponsored Medtech Expo
Minneapolis, MN – On November 8 and 9, MD&M Minneapolis will conduct its annual conference and expo that will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Eric Topol will serve as the keynote speaker in the conference while 5,500 industry professionals and more than 600 top suppliers join the expo including RothGreaves & Associates.
“MD&M Minneapolis is back for its 23rd year. We invited the celebrated cardiologist and digital health pioneer Eric Topol to be our keynote speaker on Nov. 8. The keynote address topic is Healthcare Ex Machina: How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Medicine,” MD&M Minneapolis spokesperson said.
The conference has three tracks that include the following:
- Track A: Product Development – Discover product development process and learn the strategies in creating and marketing successful medical devices.
- Track B: R&D User-centered design – Explore the latest technologies and forward-thinking themes that tackles the science behind R&D.
- Track C: Hands-on workshops – Increase knowledge through interactive workshops that include topics such as usage of virtualization and visualization tools.
The conference session formats include technical sessions, panel discussions, case studies, show floor tours, and plenary sessions.
What is MD&M Minneapolis?
“MD&M Minneapolis is home to the largest showcase of industry suppliers in the region. We have more than 600 solution providers that will join the exhibit offering the full spectrum of the medtech industry. We promised the participants fun activities, interactive events and free presentations,” the spokesperson said.
Who Will Be At MD&M Minneapolis?
This year, one of the solution providers in the expo is the multi-discipline and full-service company RothGreaves & Associates. The company focuses on manufacturing high technology medical devices aiming to produce the world’s most reliable PTFE release finishes. The company also aims to create the world’s greatest coil winders and first-class custom applications.
One of the RothGreaves & Associates founders will be at the booth during the expo to answer questions from participants and to discuss the company’s future projects.
Where is MD&M Minneapolis?
The conference will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center which is one of the largest conference centers in the area. Located on the edge of downtown Minneapolis the convention center has plenty of parking (both underground and outdoors). Make sure to arrive a few minute early to allow for walking time since the convention center is a large building.
Minneapolis is friendly for pedestrians with an extensive skyway system connecting various buildings. Plus busing is provided for a nominal fee through Metro Transit.
Minneapolis Convention Center
1301 Second Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55403
If you would like to see the layout of the expo take a look at the floor plan on the trade show website here.
The expo and conference have separate hours so make sure to take note so you don’t miss anything.
Wednesday, November 8: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 9: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday – Thursday, November 8-9: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
For more information about the passes and pricing, visit RothGreaves MD&M Minneapolis Page.
About MD&M Minneapolis:
MD&M Minneapolis is one of the most well executed exhibits and conferences of the current and next generation medical devices. It is also known as one of the largest with over 5,500 industry professionals in attendance and 600 suppliers ready to help with your project. One pass will give you access to everything in the conference including the tech theater, innovation tours, leading suppliers, networking events and engineering theater.
About RothGreaves & Associates:
RothGreaves & Associates has been installing medical-related devices for different companies for almost 20 years. The firm has served different countries including the United States, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, China, Switzerland, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, and Singapore. Learn more on their website at